Justin Kan

Nov 14, 2016
Snapchat Pitches
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May 27, 2016

This week we ran a pitch competition for YC Fellowship on Snapchat. We tried this out as an experiment to reach more founders; when we came up with the idea for the competition we weren’t sure how well it would work. I’m pretty pleased with the results: we got over 400 applications to pitch on my channel, and overall the founders selected did a great job explaining their business and being engaging. We’ve also gotten a lot of positive feedback from the audience that people have learned from both the pitches and the feedback we gave the founders afterwards. Overall, the founders seemed to have a lot of fun with it.

We are reposting the pitches below. For the next 24 hours, you can vote for your favorite by screenshotting their name on my Snapchat Story. After taking into account audience voting, we’ll announce who the contest winner is this weekend.

Follow me on snapchat to vote!

DAY 1:

Fixx: On-demand automotive repairs at your home/office.

DAY 2:

LearnHub: A collaboration app for schools.

Nordigin: Uses machine-learning to categorize banking transactions for credit assessment purposes.

Lattice Manufacturing: Creates new metals using 3D printing to sell to.

Jerry: Jerry allows travelers to access and hire locals to show them a city through a local lens.

DAY 3:

Yarn: Search and create short video clips to share with friends.

Dive VR: Turn any game into a VR game.

Sandbox VR: Build VR applications from within VR.

RoboTC: A universal brain for robots that allows enterprise to plug-and-play robotics development.

DAY 4:

Troupe Jewelry: A marketplace of consumer designed jewelry created with an online consumer-facing CAD tool.

ChaChing: A mobile payments application integrated within your keyboard.

Shoppie: Live-streaming beauty and shopping experiences with builtin ecommerce.

Acorn Cryotech: Preserve your cells for future gene therapy, organ regeneration, and stem cell treatments.

DAY 5:

Wiblits: An iOS app of rotating multiplayer games using HTML5.

Contact CI: A glove you can use as controller for VR with haptic responses.

Tempus: A tool to maximize income for on-demand workers.

Fenixo: A brain computer interface and facial gesture recognition system designed specifically for VR headsets.

Snapchat Pitches was originally published in Justin Kan on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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